I am struggling a bit with the following AND conditions.
2 Yes/no questions and 1 number field question.
When I simulate it in ClauseBuddy, it doens’t work…
@answer(“How many sellers are there?”) = 1 AND @answer(“Seller 1. is a legal person?”) = true AND @answer(“Is Seller 1 a Belgian company”) = true: 1. Seller 1, a Belgian legal form, whose registered office is at address (Belgium), registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises ("Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen" / "Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises") under number KBO number, LER (RPR / RPM) competent court area, division divisie.
@answer(“How many sellers are there?”) = 1 AND @answer(“Seller 1. is a legal person?”) = true AND @answer(“Is Seller 1 a Belgian company”) = false: 1. Seller 1, a nationality legal form, whose registered office is at address (country), registered with Name foreign register under number Company number
(@answer(“Seller 1. is a legal person?”) = false): 1. Seller 1, born on date of birth, residing at address, with national registration number NRN.
Hi Tom, I took the liberty to have a look at your document, and noticed that you already progressed since you posted this question an hour ago. From what I quickly tested in your document, everything seems to be working.
Has the problem been resolved in the meantime? Or is there anything specific that doesn’t work? Your logic regarding the number of sellers and the paragraphs that must appear, seem to be working OK — at least at first glance.
Thanks for your quick feedback. It concerns the template ‘short term SPA’ in ClauseBuddy.
Since it was not working, I did not save the latest changes.
What we see is that even though I only want the clause to appear when I enter 1, it is visible if the answer is blank or > 1.
The answer to question if it is a Belgian company is false, hence this should also show another clause without reference to the Belgian KBO
The problem is that you also highlighted “1. Seller 1” in cyan. Accordingly, ClauseBuddy thinks that only the small snippet of text “1. Seller 1.” must be conditional.
From your explanation, I understand that you want your entire paragraph to be subject to the condition. In such case, you should have highlighted up to the colon ( : ), so not including any text afterwards.