Can “default text” be added for datafields that are not filled-in?

We recently received the following question from a user and wanted to share our answer with the rest of the ClauseBase Community:

Can “default text” be added for datafields that are not filled-in? For example: if a name has not yet been filled out for #seller^name, I want that datafield to say"John Doe"

The best way to go about creating this is via a condition. One way that you could do this is via the following condition:

{#seller^name: #seller^name | else: John Doe}

With this condition, you are essentially telling ClauseBase “if the seller^name datafield has been assigned a value, then fill out that value. If not, fill out ‘John Doe’”. For more information on how to use this kind of conditional text, check out the following video:

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