Cards & Documents (in Binders) not visible for anonymous users

Hello there!

for single questions in the Q&A it’s possible to limit the visibility so that anonymous users do NOT see the question. This is great.

However, I’d like to do the same with cards and documents in the binder.

I’m aware that there is an “enable” function for the documents in the binder and also that I can make cards visible when fulfilling a certain ‘function’. However, I don’t know the exact prompt to NOT show cards and selected documents (in binders) to anonymous users, but only to me (when I receive the responses). Hope you understand what I mean…

Can you provide me with the “function” that is needed for this?

Thanks in advance and happy weekend! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Sebastian,

The easiest way is to make use of “special tags” attached to a user (in your case the anonymous user). For example, in the screenshot below, I attach a tag “be” to some anonymous user

Next, you can use that user tag in a condition attached to a card:

You could even use that tag as a condition within a clause, e.g. to hide a certain word or paragraph — see @user-tags User | Clause9

You should however be aware that there’s a subtle but very important difference between that special question option regarding the visibility for anonymous users, and a condition attached to a card/question:

  • That visibility-setting for a question simply hides the question from the user. Clause9 will completely calculate everything, and the question will be assumed to be “enabled” — it’s just hidden.
  • Conversely, if a condition is attached to a question/card, the value of the answer to that question (or the questions in the card) will not be calculated, because that question/card is considered disabled. Usually this does not make a lot of difference, but if you have questions/cards elsewhere that depend on the answer of the question/card, they will then not “see” that value.