Creating an (chronological) list of different datafields

Hi there,

I need some expert help with the automation of a subpoena document.
The subpoena will contain different references to different documents.

Reference will be made to 1 or more (individual) lease agreements & 1 or more invoices.
We will work with the following repeating datafields:

  1. #leaseagreement^name (=Tom) and #leaseagreement^reference (=1), resulting into: "Lease Agreement ‘Tom’ (as per Annex 1); &
  2. #invoice^name (=Pay Tom) and invoice^reference (=2); resulting into: Invoice ‘Pay Tom’ (as per Annex 2).

So far so good.

As a final result, and this is where we struggle, we want an overview/list of all annexes, ordened chronologically:

  • Annex 1: Lease Agreement Tom;
  • Annex 2: Incoive Pay Tom;
  • Annex 3: Lease Agreement Maarten;

Is this possible if we work with/want to merge different repeating datafields?
