I would like to emphasise certain words by putting them in a different colour. However, the colour code immediately applies on the rest of the sentence too.
For example:
% font color #BA1714 % ~To do:~\ alpha.
In this sentence, I only want “to do” in the specified colour and not “alpha”. The colour code will be applied on “alpha” too.
Using % .. % will always affect the entire paragraph, so this is indeed not the right way to approach it.
We have a few features on the roadmap that will go into this direction. To give a sneak peek:
@color(some-text, "#aaabbb") will allow you to color certain words in a specific hex-based color
@emp will allow you to “emphasize” a certain word. The default setting will be to have the contents appear bold, but through the styling settings you can customize this in a centralized way — e.g. to have it appear blue italic, or red Courier underlined.