I am working on a Multi-member LLC Agreement. It is possible for the agreement to have any number of managers and I have used repeating variables for the member’s names and a repeating true/false variable to indicate if the member is a manager. I have a clause that lists the managers and I used the following function to find and list the name of the managers:
I have set my ennumeration styling to include a comma between each item in the list. However, this results in a grammatical problem if there are only 2 managers. The output for the two managers is
“Name1, and Name2.” Typically, you would only use the , between items if there are 3 or more items in the list. Is there a setting or function I can use to remove the comma if there are less than 3 managers?
However, we use the Oxford comma, which does not include a comma for lists with 2 items, but uses a comma between each item and the and/or for lists with 3 or more items.
So for a list of 3 or more items it would be formatted as “Item 1, Item 2, and Item 3.” However, if the list is only 2 items it would be formatted as “Item1 and Item 2.”