More Keyboard Shortcuts?

Hey there,

when learning a new software, I often try to use as many keyboard shortcuts as possible. I feel that clausebase could use (at least) a few more, such as

  • arrow navigation (and J/K for up/down) in the Browse menu

  • the “Edit” pencil, “Open”, “Open Copy”, “Other Actions”

  • activate the Search

  • navigating sub-menus in the right-side bar of the clause editor

Ideally, every button gets a shortcut eventually, with no need for a mouse :smiley:

Thanks for considering!

Just found out about ctrl-shift+ d and +i in the clause editor, this is great!

According to the documentation;

If you hover your mover over them and hold still for a second, your browser will show the shortcut in a small “tooltip” window.

For me, this is not the case with ctrl-shift+ d and +i - can this maybe be updated ?


Edit: after doing some testing on Edge (Windows), several of the C9 shortcuts conflict with browser shortcuts:

  • Ctrl-Shift-PageUp — Go to the previous opened file
  • Ctrl-Shift-PageDown — Go to the next opened file

these also shift around the tab back/forth in the browser tab bar.

  • Ctrl-Shift-i — Go to the clause title editor

also opens the Browser Inspect Element/Dev menu.

Furthermore, for those lawyers using Litera Compare on Windows,

  • Ctrl-Shift-1 — Go to the first language

also triggers the Litera Compare Clipboard menu, or tries to: