Picture in a datafield

Is there a possibility to provide a datafield or somthing, where you can upload a logo for example, or a picture?

Hi Sarah,

There are several possibilities:

  • You, as a clause author, can pre-upload images and then switch between them using fairly standard ClauseBase grammar — see https://help.clausebase.com/kb/how-to-insert-images/
  • If you need to let end-users dynamically specify the image, you can let them paste in a URL of a JPG/PNG image. That URL can be stored in a text field, and can then be converted into a real image using @image (see the URL above for more information — you can also specify the size, border, etc. of the image).
  • We are planning to add functionality to let end-users dynamically upload new images (e.g., from their hard drive, or even from their pc’s webcam or phone/tablet’s camera). This functionality does not exist yet, but depending on what you are looking for, we could add it in the near future.

Can you clarify what you are looking for?

This question was about point 2 and 3 in your answer. (I have another question that concerned point 1).

I think that point 3 would be the easiest for end-users though, since I’m not sure a lot of people would know how to make an URL for their JPG/PNG image. Point 3 is also more direct and faster. I think we would have great benefit if end-users can upload new images from any device. When can you add this functionality :-D?

I’ll check internally! It’s probably not a matter of months :slight_smile:

great! Keep me posted! :wink:

Hi Sarah,

I just added this feature to the development version, expect it to be made available this weekend.

This new feature allows end-users to dynamically select an image, from various sources:

  • some URL at the web
  • some file on the hard drive, dragged in or manually selected through the operating system’s dialog window
  • on smartphones & tablets, users may select a photo using whatever tools made available by the phone — e.g., the central photo library, or even a fresh new image taken adhoc with the phone/tablet’s camera

See the short video here:

wow! To organise this, I guess we’ll be able to do that via edit q&a?

Indeed, there’s a new type of question.

Great! Maybe too much to ask: is it possible to add that image in the header of the document?

And I guess we need to make a new datafield for that, to be able to indicate where the image needs to be placed?

Correct — you need to put it in a text datafield in order to use it (or list of texts, or repeating field of type text).

Once that is done, you can also use that image in the header/footer of the page, through a “change style” change. The end-result will be that users can dynamically insert their own logo, that will then show up in the header or footer of the page. (Or, why not, on some front page of the document).

A follow-up question: are there restrictions on the size of this image? Or can we define that ourselves?

Through ‘options’ in the question and maximum height?

I’ve added a datafield for an image in a concept. And in Q&A I’ve added an ‘image’ question. But when i do the simulation, the only option I have is to add an url. What settings do I need to change?

Almost there! (We have not yet written the documentation for this new feature, this will be for later this week).

From a technical perspective, the image is always a text field, that either contains a URL (web address) or the actual physical content of the actual file. You have to convert this text into an actual image, through the @image special function

For example, @image(#company^logo) to insert it into a clause, assuming the image-URL or content is stored in some datafield “logo” of concept “company”. You can define the minimum and maximum height by adding additional parameters — for example, @image(#company^logo, 5cm) would make sure that both the horizontal & vertical size is limited to 5cm while respecting proportions; conversely, @image(#company^logo, 4cm, 8cm) would stretch the image to 4cm wide & 8cm high.

If you want to insert the image in a header or footer, you have to use {image #company^logo} or {image #company^logo, 5cm} or {image #company^logo, 4cm, 8cm} within the header/footer text.

ok, i changed it a bit, so that if they don’t provide a logo, there will not be any text:

  1. {#schuldeiser^logo: @image(#schuldeiser^logo)}

but… still the same, only url is possible in q&a simulation

You should see this (in both simulate & “real” Q&A):

You can then either paste some URL in the left part, or drag & drop an image file (.PNG or .JPG) from your local hard drive to the right part, or alternatively click on the right part and manually select the .PNG or .JPG from your local hard drive.

i see this, the right part is a bit strange here:

Hi Maarten, it seemed I have the same problem now with the image. The button is blanco again.

Apologies, that seemed to be a small bug in Windows. Can you refresh your browser and try again?