Clause-ID #1007890
Hi everyone, here is my situation:
I have a binder that creates a set of n Power of Attorneys (PoAs) related to one company for n amount of people. The PoA-Document is set to repeat within the binder for the amount of #party^names used.
#party^names is a repeating-list-text-datafield. So, if I have 5 party names, the binder will generate 5 PoAs, one for each party.
In each iteration of the repeated PoA-Document, there is a signature clause:
Not every document needs the same amount of signatories. It’s possible that the first document in the binder has 1 signatory, the second 2, the third one 1, the fourth 3, etc.
I have not been able to achieve this granularity.
- If I set the Signature-Block to repeat based on a (non-repeating) number-datafield, it will display the block n times, every time, where n is the value entered. I don’t want this.
Because the repeated-clause is part of a repeating document, I want to thus use a repeating-list-datafield that asks for signatories amount. My idea was to use the numbers type, e.g. entering #signatories^amount as a list of 5 entries:
1, 2, 1, 3, 1
would lead the first document to have 1 block, the second 2, the third 1 block again, the fourth 3, etc.
However, the repeating-clause signature block is not being repeated for the value of the entry at the current index of the repeating list (such as it would display were I to show the value of the repeating-number-datafield within the repeated document).
Instead, the signature block is repeated for the total number of entries within the repeating-list-datafield. For the above example, setting the signature-clause to repeat for #signatories^amount will show 5 signature blocks in every one of the 5 documents, irrespective of the values of the numbers.
For me, I was expecting that setting a clause to repeat on a repeating-list-number-datafield would repeat the clause for the value at the current index, instead of the total length.
Here is my current clause, as you can see I have just hard-coded the list to two entries:
I know this is a very niche topic, but since I have spent quiet some time thinking about this I would appreciate any insights.