Switching Clauses Between Documents in a Binder

I am working on a document binder where some clauses are repeated unnecessarily in two different documents. Both documents will not always appear in the binder. Is it possible to remove the duplicate clauses from one of the documents conditioned on the presence of a specified document in the binder?


Hi Brent,

Welcome to the discussion forum!

Yes, it is definitely possible to disable a clause based on the presence of a document in a binder. The trick to doing is, is to work with cross-tags.

Cross-tags can both be assigned to clauses and to documents. Assigning a cross-tag to a document is done by accessing that document’s properties here:

And then assigning a cross-tag in the “Cross-tags” section here:

If you would e.g. assign a cross-tag “example-tag” in the cross-tags section and then save the document, you can use the following condition (in the clause’s “enabled?” condition) to disable the relevant clause in case the document is included: @implemented(§example-tag) = false.

The @implemented special function checks whether the binder contains a clause or document with the tag “example-tag”. If yes, it results in “true”, if not it results in false.

That said, the situation might be slightly trickier if it is the exact same clause which is being re-used in both documents. Is that the case?

Thanks Robert,

This is helpful. However, yes in some cases the same clause would be re-used in both documents.

The use case is for real estate financing agreements that contain a promissory note and loan agreement. Typically, the promissory note is relatively short, and many of the more specific remedies and default provisions are moved to the loan agreement for the loan document package. However, in some cases, we will have clients who will not want to include a loan agreement in the document package, in which case, some of the clauses ought to be moved to the promissory note to establish a stronger basis maintaining the creditor’s position.

That makes sense! In case of identical clauses used in multiple places, you are better off using a “Disable clause” change set in the Q&A (cf. https://help.clause9.com/qna/types-of-changes#disable_clause).

When using that type of change set, you can select the relevant clause(s) you want to be disabled in case the condition attached to that change set is fulfilled. E.g. if answer to “Include loan agreement in package?” is equal to true.

The advantage is that the “Disable clause” change set contains a checkbox letting you choose whether each instance of a clause in the document/binder should be disabled, or whether just the selected instance should be disabled. In the latter case, any other instances of that clause in your binder will be left enabled.

Hope this helps!

Yes, thank you.

I will take a look at the change sets. I think that will cover the issue.