Title Pages

I am working on a Bylaws template and we include a title page as part of our bylaws. The title page has test that is centered (vertically and horizontally) on the page. I have found formatting information to center text horizontally, but not really formatting information about placing a clause in the center of a page vertically.

Can you point me to help resources for this type of formatting?

Are you talking about vertical section centering, as in the MS Word screenshot below?

That feature is not yet supported. But if you are the 0.1% of lawyers who know what this option is about, then we would be happy to add this to the software.


Update: there is now a new option in the Page Settings that allows you to specify the vertical alignment of a page. It corresponds to the option in MS Word in the screenshot above!


Thank you, Maarten.

However, I ended up using the %space above XXX% special function for my title page, which worked well. I think it would be very helpful if you could make a one-page supplement for the special functions similar to the ClauseBase Grammar one-pager.

Thanks, again!