
Hi everyone,

I am trying to create the following placeholder:

This is different to using @placeholder(“●”), which would also highlight the text between the brackets. The reason for this is that when working in Word, if the middle of a placeholder is not highlighted, double-clicking between the brackets only selects the text between brackets. If I use @placeholder(“●”), then double-clicking will also select the brackets, which my users still want to keep in a first draft.

My idea was to use @highlight(“[”) ● @highlight(“]”), however this inserts unwanted spacing:

Here, my attempt to use @str(@highlight(“[”),“●”, @highlight(“]”)) leads to the error:

Essentially; I would like to concatenate (similar to @str) without converting parameters to text. Any special function and global snippet will insert a blank space after itself that is not possible to remove - for which I propose @concatenate.

Currently, the only way to concatenate is using @str, but I don’t always want everything turned into text.



Hi Kai,

Technically speaking, what you’re proposing would require a complete redesign of the internal spacing rules of Clause9.

Those internal spacing rules are actually quite complicated, and try to resolve all typical situations. But there are cases where their approach conflicts with your desires — as is the case here.

Usually you can circumvent the spacing rules using @str, but as you correctly describe, this is text-only and leads to funny results when mixed with highlighted text.

I’m afraid this one will not be solved this way, but perhaps Bracketeer can be tuned to serve your needs.

Hi Maarten,

thanks for the reply and creating clarity here - I understand completely. It’s still useful for me to know this is a limit so I can plan accordingly (and stop trying to find a workaround).
