I have a binder with a mix of single- and dual-language documents. Today, I selected both the “Export as separate Subdocuments” and “multiple languages options”.
Whilst I still get multiple files with different names, every file always includes ALL subdocuments. No matter if it is an Annex or contract, it is as if I had selected “Export as a single document”, but once for every subdocument, I end up with 10 90-Page documents, Instead of a main 30-page document and shorter Annexes.
Is this related to some documents not having any dual-lanugage settings? If so, is it better to split single-language and dual-language documents into separate binders/Q&As ?
Is there any way to batch edit the value for “dont translate in multi language input” for clauses; or a setting to export a clause as “dont translate” if the second language has been left blank? Most of my clauses are single language, wondering if there is a quicker way to keep them that way.
There is effectively no “batch” mode to configure this for a large number of clauses at the same time. That being said, if you select the parent clause of multiple children and toggle the “Dont’ translate in multiple language output” button, it will apply to the parent clause as well to all child clauses so this way you should hopefully be able to configure your document in a time efficient way.
I have run into an issue where in a multi-language Binder, I set some of my single-language documents to “Don’t translate”, using only the parent clause as you suggested.
After doing this, every new parent clause starts on a new page, even though it is not set to “Start clause on new page”. Any idea why this might occur?
The “show page wide” toggle has a very specific purpose: when you are dealing with a page that has multiple columns set in the page settings. In such case, it is sometimes useful to have a paragraph (usually a title) that is not constrained to a single column, but instead spans across all the columns. When the setting is enabled, the following happens:
a new section section break is inserted
that new section’s number of columns is set to 1
the paragraph in question is inserted
yet another new section is inserted
that newest section is then set to the number of columns (e.g., 2 or 3) that applied before the page-wide-spanning paragraph
Multi-language documents also happen to be shown in multiple columns, but that number of columns is ignored in the calculation above.
In other words, the “show page wide” setting has nothing to do with the multi-language column, you just happened to see a weird interaction.
Going back to your original question about the white space: can you tell me the ID (number) of the document that is having this problem?
this was a critical piece of information I was missing.
I have turned off the “Show page wide” setting in the single document and the white spaces are mostly gone.
I am still getting some unwanted spacing where I have hidden clauses.
Turning on non-printing characters seems to indicate that C9 has inserted empty table lines for hidden clauses set to “Dont translate” in a Multi-Language document:
Please note that we just added a “Don’t translate in multi-language output” to the Custom styling settings of a document. This allows a Document that is part of a Binder that is being outputted in multiple languages, to nevertheless be outputted monolingually.
Or, to be more clear, a single-language document in a multi-column/multi-language output.