Hello everyone! Because my questions are closely related, I have decided against creating multiple posts.
I have a “main” contract with n amount of parties, and want to create a new “side” document (e.g. Power of Attorney) for each party individually. So, for n amount of parties in the main document, I want to create n power of attorneys, pulling the data already entered for the main document into the side document. Both the main and side documents are in the same binder and use the same Q&A
Here is what I have working already:
I have created a concept for #party and added several repeating-list-datafields to it (^name, ^address, ^legal-entity-type, ^is-natural-person-boolean, etc.) I want to pull the data for a specific party’s datafields in another document within the binder. The best I have found until now is using @lookup:
I created a new concept called #lookup, which I use to store my search term. I then create a Q&A question for #lookup with predefines of all existing parties (so the predefine is set to the repeating-list #party^name). After that, using
@lookup(#lookup^party-name, #party^name, #party^legal-entity-type)
I can find the information from the party list in the side document. I set the (1) parameter of @lookup to be the party name selected in Q&A, which then searches for (2) that exact #party^name datafield and (3) displays the corresponding other datafield. In the example above, the special function will show me the legal-entity-type of the party who’s name is selected in Q&A.
Here are my questions that I have not been able to solve:
1. My above method works well for creating a single side document, but does not seem to work if I have a main contract and multiple side documents (e.g. one power of attorney per party). Is there a better way to do this?
2. Can I display all entries of a repeating-list-datafield in which a certain true/false-datafield is set to “true” ? For example, if I want to find all parties which have #party^is-natural-person = true.
3. Is there any way to show the index of a entry of a repeating-list-datafield? For example, that the first entered #party^name is at index “1”, and the third at index “3”. Can I pull this information somehow?
4. Could I search a repeating-list-datafield by its index? For example, if I want to pull the data from the third row of #party, and see the third row of every associated repeating-list-datafield, such as ^name, ^address, ^legal-entity.
Thanks very much!